Our Approach to Executive Coaching

Piccolino Associates, LLC takes a rigorous and very comprehensive approach to the executive coaching process. We typically structure the engagement in two broad phases:  An assessment phase which entails some 4-8 weeks of data collection (peer review interviewing and psychometric exercises), which is then followed by a coaching phase which typically lasts 6-9 months.  Two key deliverables are generated during the assessment phase: 1), a comprehensive summary report of our findings; and 2), an Individual Development Plan (IDP) that summarizes key learnings and action plans.  (Attached please find typical questions that we ask in the peer review interview process).  We administer The Hogan Personality Inventory, a well researched on-line tool that assesses one’s public persona and leadership style, sources of satisfaction (or core values and drivers), as well as classic potential derailleur’s (often the so-called dark side of strengths that tend to be over used and that may emerge under conditions of high stress or fatigue).

The follow-on coaching phase then focuses on developing appropriate strategies and tactics to help support and implement the action plan.  This usually involves regularly scheduled meetings to monitor progress and discuss specific challenges and can also involve more direct interactions with a leadership team and/or very specific skill building kinds of interventions.

Our professional relationship with a leader we are coaching is built around confidentiality and trust.  Our conversations are privileged and not shared with others.  Similarly, the process (and data) we collect from those who are invited to provide input to the process (typically between 10-15 direct and indirect reports is managed to ensure complete confidentiality and nondisclosure – to encourage objectivity and candor.  We normally do not share our formal summary report or detailed psychometric findings with anyone other than the leader we are coaching.  Typically, however, we do strongly encourage that leader to share his or her learnings and proposed action plans (i.e., the IDP) with appropriate leaders in the organization (e.g., a boss or a Board and direct reports).   This encourages, in a textbook engagement, ongoing feedback, support and reinforcement.

Coaching always occurs in a context.  Finally, while team building per se is not the primary objective of this project, given the complexities involved, we are prepared to provide input and our professional perspective about the staffing and ongoing effectiveness of the senior leadership team based on extensive experience with other organizations in helping to build high performing teams.


Our professional fees are aligned with the two distinct phases of the engagement (i.e., the assessment and coaching phases), and are tailored to fit the time and resource requirements of the project.  Typically at the C Suite level we bill a flat $15,000 fee at the onset of the project, which covers all of the assessment work and typically requires some 4-8 weeks to complete, including the leader’s preparation of an Individual Development Plan (IDP).  We also bill on a monthly basis for incidental out of pocket expenses incurred for travel, administration of psychometric inventories at our cost (typically $425-625), and 1% of professional fees for indirect expenses re telecommunication and report preparation.

At the onset of the second phase, the balance of our professional fee is due, typically $10,000, which covers the proposed follow-on coaching phase.  This can be adjusted, of course, depending upon the agreed upon scope and hours involved.  This second fee is not required if a decision is made to curtail or end the project for any reason.  This second fee covers the balance of the engagement going forward over the course of the next 3-6 months of work.